Miami Trip Part 5: Post-Miami blues
Check out the previous articles in the series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 We had been in Tally since the afternoon of 27. The next three days went uneventful. We had already returned our rentals and were…
Miami Trip Part 4: On to Key West
Check out the previous articles in the series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The nightlife in Miami is bustling. Ocean Dr was crowded. The clubs had beautiful lights and décor, and the people were all full of life. We…
Miami Trip Part 3: Christmas in Miami
Check out the previous articles in the series: Part 1 Part 2 We woke up late the next day. Our Jeep was not taking fuel and it was getting to us. Two of us went to change the vehicle and…