Unbelievable: A Gripping Narrative of Trauma, Rape Culture and Justice
Unbelievable is a new show on Netflix based on a Pulitzer winning true story from US investigative site ProPublica. The story is about a young woman from Lynnwood, Washington, who initially claimed to have been tied up and raped at…
Why Men Rape: A Complicated Portrait of Rapists’ Minds
There is no easy answer to this question. While it may be tempting to lump all rapists into one monstrous category, rapists vary just as much as ordinary men do. In fact, many of them are ordinary men. Richard von…
Why We Need to Take Workplace Harassment More Seriously
The history of workplace harassment is long and sordid; however, laws dealing specifically with workplace harassment are relatively new in both the United States and India. The effective prosecution of workplace harassment cases was long hindered in the US; two…