100 Days on Earth without mama

Credit: Kind of Blue, Musubu Hagi

Days pass by
wrapping the memories and grief
under the thin satin sleeves.
Hiding from the world,
Concealing the wounds, the cut,
the face, the tears-
I cannot swim no more.
I’m drowning every other second,
Making sure I break down
and make no noise,
With no eyes witnessing.
1,2,3 to 10,20,30-
The days wear a three-figure-number.
Calendar says it’s the 100th day
of breathing in torment
And out the sanity.
Wish I could tell you I’m okay.
Praying you never get to see
the mess I’ve turned into.
Selfishly living, breathing
and sometimes even smiling
In a world that doesn’t have you.
All my life,
Till 100 days ago,
I kept telling Him
“Never keep me in a world without her.”
100 days later, sitting in the dark,
I realise, He showed his power
And my lack of it.
Powerless to protest
or even to be mad.
I’m only struck by the force of grief.
That’s all I can ever be.

See also
We live in Time: Navigating Grief through the Lens of Andrew Garfield