Beef (2023): The Art of Being Your Own Worst Enemy
Beef (2023), the latest Netflix original, stands out as a gem amidst Netflix’s vast catalog of mediocre content. The brilliant cast, with Steven Yuen and Ali Wong as the protagonists, and the dark, satirical writing makes the show equally harrowing…
Why is it so hard to get mental health treatment in Bangladesh?
The following piece discusses su*c*e. If you have experienced s****dal thoughts or have lost someone to s****de and want to seek help, you can contact Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Kaan Pete ROI) |GP: 01779554391, 01779554392 |Airtel: 01688709965, 01688709966| Banglalink: 01985275286 |Robi:…
Negative Self Talk: One of the Biggest Barriers to Sound Mental Health
We all know we as human beings tend to focus more on the negatives than positives when it comes to our own issues. That’s our natural habitat. But just stop and think for a moment. Are all your negative thoughts…
Toxic Relationships: Understanding Why People Stay and How to Move Forward
How often do we hear the terms “toxic relationship” or “abusive partner” ? Unfortunately, the answer is more often than we’d like. It's as if every day we hear more and more about abusive relationships and the numbers agree. A…
Understanding Anxiety (and How You Can Deal With it)
How to cope with anxiety? As a millennial, this must have been a consistent question for days if not years.  In simple terms, anxiety is a feeling of worry or uneasiness caused by fear of danger etc. This can be…
You Can’t Look Away as Joaquin Phoenix Descends into Madness (and Violence) in Joker
At the beginning, Joker starts with Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) sitting in front of a dressing mirror, pulling at the corners of his mouth, forcing a grin and a grimace. This is reminiscent of the two masks, tragic and comic,…