What You Should (and Shouldn’t Do) After Having Your Intimate Photos Leaked
If you have had your intimate photos leaked, you have already gone through a whirlwind of emotions. Once the dust settles down and you have to move on with your life, you have to be careful that you don’t carry…
Why Leaking Intimate Photos is Still a Thing: The Vicious Culture of Victim Blaming
With the #MeToo movement finally having brought few changes in the minds of the more liberal patriarchs, it finally is nice to see some kind of positive reform. However, one issue that mostly remains unaddressed is online sexual violence. This…
Those Who Leak Intimate Photos (and Why They Do So)
Let’s make some clear distinctions to start things off. Nudes: By nudes we mean any and all form of intimate photos, regardless of how much skin revealed, that have been shown/leaked/exposed to someone else without the consent of the person…
What You Might be Feeling After Having Your Intimate Photos Leaked
In an ideal world, you should be able to explore your sexuality in a way that doesn't invite the dangerous possibilities of a leak. However, that's clearly not the case. In 2016, 1 in 25 Americans were threatened with nudes…