Wandavision Takes a Unique Look at Grief through a Superhero Lens with a Clever Sitcom Backdrop
After thirteen years of movies, the Marvel Cinematic Universe definitely needed a splash of freshness to make its future offerings seem enticing instead of tiring. Wandavision is a mostly successful exercise in that regard. It’s a show that’s both small…
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a Light-Hearted Romp (and an Antidote to the Solemn Endgame)
Spider-Man: Far From Home hits a curious middle ground, continuing on from the aesthetic and tone set by Homecoming. The story it tells is quintessentially Spider-Man, but it’s different enough from the other movies and comic books that it stands…
Avengers: Endgame is a Soulful, Emotionally Resonant Conclusion to the MCU Franchise as We Know It
There are some movies that mark a cultural moment. The Titanic. Terminator 2. Jurrasic Park. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. And of course, Empire Strikes Back. Avengers: Endgame is, without a shadow of a doubt, one…
Why Avengers: Infinity War is Probably Better than Avengers: Endgame
Where were you when the Avengers died? It’s the kind of question that people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe might ask themselves, when referring to the events that occured in Infinity War. Of all the heroes who joined or fought…
How Captain America: Civil War Set the Stage for Avengers: Endgame
t’s no coincidence that when you think about the second Avengers movie, Captain America: Civil War pops up more often in the public consciousness than Avengers: Age of Ultron. It’s not just that Civil War gets so many things right,…
Why Marvel’s Eleven Year Journey to Avengers Endgame is Worth the Hype
The Avengers redefined the movie business. Not just the superhero business, but the industry of making motion pictures as a whole. It made over 1.5 billion dollars in 154 days of release. In 2012, that’s bigger than everything else. It’s…
Captain Marvel is a Decent Film that Fails to be Memorable, Despite its Feminist Themes
Do your hear your floorboards creaking around you? That's your floor reacting to the presence of a herd of elephants shifting around your room. It's hard to go into Captain Marvel with a fresh mind. You may or may not…
Captain America: Out of Time- Chapter One: Sentinel Down
It's not easy. It's not easy swinging the shield, let alone throwing it. James Barnes was finding that out the hard way. It was 12 pm, and James was speeding through the noon traffic of Long Island City. He ran…
Frank Castle Embraces his Inner Monster in the Punisher’s Second Season
The Punisher’s second season is a complicated beast. In many ways, it starts out better than the first season, but it fumbles the pacing three-fourths of the way and lands a somewhat solid ending. It’s one of the last two…
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse puts a Refreshing Spin on a Familiar Hero
In a world inundated with superhero films, it's difficult for a new contender to make its mark. Specially so if it's a Spider-Man film following six predecessors. There's something different about Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse, however, that makes it…