Superman: Man of Tomorrow- 7:03 AM
Wally West did not see this coming. And that's more of a big deal than you think. Because Wally West is one of the fastest people alive. And because he can think faster than most people, he's also one of…
Superman: Man of Tomorrow- 6:01 AM
Wednesday August 22, 2018 6:01 AM Luthor picked up his coffee mug. His eyes were fixed on the image on his wall television. It was a clip of him doing a town hall discussion in Jackson, Mississippi. He wondered what…
Superman: Man of Tomorrow- 5:31 AM
Wednesday August 22, 2018 5:31 AM Conner turned off his alarm, grabbing his t-shirt from the nearby chair. He scratched his stubble absent-mindedly, whistling Imagine Dragons as he entered the washroom. He stared into his reflection two seconds too long.…
Superman: Man of Tomorrow- 5:26 AM
Wednesday August 22, 2018 5:26 AM Colonel Jurgens floated towards the hull of the station, looking expectantly at the horizon. Lieutenant Byrne glanced at her commander before resuming her task. Maintenance work was supposed to be routine, but Byrne never…
Superman: Man of Tomorrow- 5:21 AM
Wednesday August 22, 2018 5:21 AM How long has been it since I slept more than one hour a day? I barely remember. It feels like I have been Superman since forever. "Clark," Lois muttered, half awake, half slurring. "Yes?"…