Muhammad Mutiul Muhaimin
38 Articles0 Comments

Mutiul has zero achievements in life and finds nothing interesting to share about himself.

Why Leaking Intimate Photos is Still a Thing: The Vicious Culture of Victim Blaming
With the #MeToo movement finally having brought few changes in the minds of the more liberal patriarchs, it finally is nice to see some kind of positive reform. However, one issue that mostly remains unaddressed is online sexual violence. This…
Let the Tides be Your Guide: An Account of Rajshahi
En-route to Rajshahi, you’d travel past certain sites worth stopping by, places you would otherwise not think of going to. You might as well stop by to breath in the fresh air, because life is too short to not visit…
Those Who Leak Intimate Photos (and Why They Do So)
Let’s make some clear distinctions to start things off. Nudes: By nudes we mean any and all form of intimate photos, regardless of how much skin revealed, that have been shown/leaked/exposed to someone else without the consent of the person…
A Close Look at the Kishor Alo Tragedy: Must the Show Go On?
Life is precious, as long as losing a life does not hamper an ongoing event in any way. Naimul Abrar Rahat, a student of Class 9 of Dhaka Residential Model College (DRMC), lost his life after being electrocuted during the…
What You Might be Feeling After Having Your Intimate Photos Leaked
In an ideal world, you should be able to explore your sexuality in a way that doesn't invite the dangerous possibilities of a leak. However, that's clearly not the case. In 2016, 1 in 25 Americans were threatened with nudes…
Private Universities in Bangladesh: A Few Open Secrets
It’s very easy to understand how clueless our students are just by asking them their plans after HSC or A’ levels. For most people, post-college is all about getting into a bunch of different coaching centres and applying to all…
I am GPA 5: The Woes and Pitfalls of the National Education Board in Bangladesh
With the results of the Higher Secondary Certificate Exams out, most HSC examinees have already started preparing for university admission tests. These are the most important board exams one takes as part of the Bangladeshi Curriculum. The glorification intensifies to…
Drawing Inspiration from Rebecca Shafee: A Pioneering Exercise in Achieving Dreams
Imagine a woman some twenty years ago in Bangladesh. Chances are, the most successful women you could think of were highly ambitious and promising individuals progressing rapidly in their respective fields, but all these promises and ambitions came with a…