Life Beyond the Twenties: A Candid Look at Turning Thirty
When I hit my twenties, did I ever step back and envision what my life could (or should) look like in my thirties? Probably not. Back then, I rarely, if ever, looked past the milestone of graduating from undergrad and…
The Case of Being Average
I am average. Yes, I said it. And I feel relieved.  We like to remain in denial of the fact that most of us are inherently average. The grandeur of success and talents has become more important now than ever…
Getting Rejected from My Dream University: Not the End, but the Beginning of Something Different
 For the longest time I aspired to study in IBA, University of Dhaka. It was my biggest dream and I had worked the hardest towards it than I had ever towards anything. I did not get in. People always tell…
Why Friendships Change as You Get Older and Move Out of College
Muhammad Ali once said, “Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned friendship, you really haven’t learned anything”. What makes friendship so valuable? In fact, what…
Betting on Yourself is the Right Choice, Even When You Are Failing.
If you hail from Bangladesh, living your own life is easier said than done. Your life might be like a box of chocolates, sure, but it’s a box that’s been prepackaged and picked by society long before you were born.…
Why it’s Okay for Twenty-Somethings to Feel Lost and Overwhelmed
This is for every twenty something struggling to stay focused while dealing with a sense of uncertainty that plagues you almost every day. You have got to trust in yourself, and that you will get through whatever dark times you…
Why Some People Are Always Late, For Everything
Since this is actually the first article I am writing for UpThrust, now would be a good time to talk a little bit about how this all got started. I started working on UpThrust last October. It originally started out…