Booksmart is a Newer, Smarter Kind of Teen Movie (with a Ton of Heart)
Booksmart is the directorial debut of Olivia Wilde and, if I were to speak for myself then, she nails it. After years of working in front of the camera, she leaps behind the camera to tell an effortless story of…
Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood is a Fairy Tale Tribute to Tinseltown (and the Loss of Innocence)
Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood is Quentin Tarantino’s unabashed love letter to the Hollywood of yesteryears. It’s a meticulous recreation of Hollywood in the 60s, complete with parties at the Playboy Mansion and hippies living in an abandoned movie…
Boyhood: Timelapse Photography of a Human Being
Boyhood is not for everyone. It’s not a quintessential Richard Linklater movie, the way Before trilogy is. It’s odd, in that nothing much happens in Boyhood, a fact acknowledged by Linklater himself. It’s definitely not your average Bildungsroman American film.…
The Lion King is a Technical Masterpiece, But Lacks the Heart of the Original
Jon Favreau’s The Lion King is, without a doubt, an impressive technical achievement. The photorealistic visuals often makes you feel as though you are watching a high-definition documentary on the savanna. However, it’s also an almost shot for shot remake…
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a Light-Hearted Romp (and an Antidote to the Solemn Endgame)
Spider-Man: Far From Home hits a curious middle ground, continuing on from the aesthetic and tone set by Homecoming. The story it tells is quintessentially Spider-Man, but it’s different enough from the other movies and comic books that it stands…
Men in Black: International is Fun, but Feels Pointless and Inconsequential
Does anyone want to see a Men in Black sequel at this point? The second film was a dud and while the third film was marginally better, at this point it feels dated. Men in Black: International tries to revitalize…
Why Marvel’s Eleven Year Journey to Avengers Endgame is Worth the Hype
The Avengers redefined the movie business. Not just the superhero business, but the industry of making motion pictures as a whole. It made over 1.5 billion dollars in 154 days of release. In 2012, that’s bigger than everything else. It’s…
Shazam is a Timeless Story about a Boy Learning to Handle Superpowers (and Family)
It’s hard to find a superhero movie that’s just a superhero movie these days. Things have been very different since the Dark Knight (2008), when it became apparent that superhero films could be prestige films too. And then things changed…
Captain Marvel is a Decent Film that Fails to be Memorable, Despite its Feminist Themes
Do your hear your floorboards creaking around you? That's your floor reacting to the presence of a herd of elephants shifting around your room. It's hard to go into Captain Marvel with a fresh mind. You may or may not…
Alita: Battle Angel is a Triumph of Cinematic Storytelling that Feels Dazzlingly Original
Alita: Battle Angel feels like a breath of fresh air, chock full of breathtaking world building and gorgeous action, threaded through a dense plot that threatens to break apart at the seams during the film’s 122 minutes runtime. It doesn’t…