Dhaka Lit Fest: Literature’s Happy Place
Delve into the literal embodiment of losing yourself in a power-packed weekend of literary extravaganza. The November air is the best time for festivities, especially if you think yourself to be an artsy person who appreciates quiet moments spent in…
Why it’s Perfectly Okay to Never Grow Out of Young Adult Fiction
No matter how old I am, my guilty pleasure will always be reading Young Adult books that either turn me into a rebel, or make my toes curl, filling me with utopian hopes of a happy ending. No regrets, my…
Why The Witcher 3 is Great Literature
It’s hard to say goodbyes. Especially to things, people and places you have spent a lot of time with. I was near the end of my two hundred-something hours long journey with Witcher 3. Geralt ,the protagonist, turned towards the screen…