The Flash (2023): The Good and The Bad
The concept of “multiverse” introduces a limitless range of creative possibilities. It equips authors with the freedom to explore their ideas beyond the scope of typical reality, providing them with endless opportunities for creative experimentation. However, If you're one of…
Shazam! Fury of The Gods: & The Confusion of The Audience
When Shazam first came out, I only went to see it because it was a new superhero flick, and hey, who doesn’t love superheroes? But I remember coming out of the theater with Shazam as one of my top five…
Black Adam is an Above-Average Superhero Flick, but it has Little Else Going for It
Black Adam had a long, fraught struggle in development hell, taking more than a decade to make it to the screen. Its journey on the silver screen hasn’t been smooth either: its early reviews were decidedly mixed, with a Rotten…
The Sandman introduces Netflix to Neil Gaiman’s world of Grand Fantasies in its First Season
The Sandman, based on the Neil Gaiman and Sam Keith comic released by DC Comics' now-defunct Vertigo brand, is one of Netflix's most anticipated graphic book adaptations this year.  The Sandman world spans seven years and 75 issues, following The…
Why I Am Both Excited and Apprehensive about the Sandman Adaptation
Fantasy and fiction is a magical and enjoyable genre. It offers an escape from the real world and lets us imagine a world filled with endless and logicless possibilities, love and compassion, and even hatred and mystical wars. Be it…
The Batman is a Gritty, Grounded Take on the Dark Knight (that is also One of the Best Superhero Movies in Years)
The Batman is third reboot featuring the caped crusader since his first cinematic outing in 1989. On paper, that might make you think this might be unnecessary and a retread of previous films. Thankfully, the Batman is, perhaps, the best…
Peacemaker is a Wild, Violent Superhero Series that is Firing on All Cylinders in its First Season
On paper, Peacemaker shouldn’t have worked. The titular character isn’t even a C-list superhero, and the show doesn’t have any higher-tiered characters, except for a surprise cameo near the end. However, James Gunn (of Guardians of the Galaxy and The…
Doom Patrol Doubles Down on its Weirdness in Season Three. But is it Getting Too Complacent?
Doom Patrol continues to be the weirdest comic book show on television today with its third season. However, sometimes it can seem like the show is spinning its wheels, treading the same worn paths while still keeping things entertaining. The…
Titans Improves in Third Season, But Still Remains Frustratingly Flawed
Titans season three may just well be the best season so far, but there’s an important caveat. It sets up a promising story in its first three episodes, only to fall victim to bad writing, bullheaded character moments and missed…
The Suicide Squad is a Brutal, Demented and Fun Ride that Makes Great Use of its Extensive Cast
If you’re already familiar with director James Gunn’s work with the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, you might expect the same from his take on The Suicide Squad. While there are some similarities- both feature a group of misfits forced…