Beef (2023): The Art of Being Your Own Worst Enemy
Beef (2023), the latest Netflix original, stands out as a gem amidst Netflix’s vast catalog of mediocre content. The brilliant cast, with Steven Yuen and Ali Wong as the protagonists, and the dark, satirical writing makes the show equally harrowing…
The Best TV Series of 2020
Unlike with movies, there was no shortage of TV shows in 2020. While some shows like the Marvel Disney+ projects got postponed, we also got our fair share of great shows this year. Honorable mentions include Dispatches from Elsewhere, The…
Dark Delivers a Poignant Finale in Season Three, Neatly Wrapping Up the Time Travel Narrative
With a strong fanbase, Dark showrunners Baran Bo Oder and Jantje Friese may have been tempted to stretch the show out as long as they could have. Thankfully, they chose to go out in good form, and the end result…