The End of the F***ing World Season 2: Continuing the Story after a Perfect Ending
There’s an argument to be made that the second season of The End of the F***ing World is, in essence, unnecessary. The first season ended on an almost perfect note, with James getting shot on a beach trying to save…
Bojack Horseman Season 6 Part One: The Long Road to Recovery (and How it May All Come Crashing Down)
Like Mad Men and Breaking Bad before it, Bojack Horseman has decided to split its final season into two parts. As a result, season 6 part one feels more like a preamble: it’s a roller-coaster slowly climbing to its peak,…
Jojo Rabbit is a Fresh, Witty Satire with a Lot of Heart
You always know you are going to get something unique with a Taika Watiti movie. Although the director is best known for Thor: Ragnarok, the New Zealander made his name with quirky films such as The Hunt for the Wilderpeople…
Living With Yourself is a Philosophical Exercise Disguised as a Comedy, Boosted by Paul Rudd’s Double Performances
Living with Yourself starts with a plastic-wrapped Paul Rudd clawing out of the earth, clad in nothing but his diaper. Still confused (and scared), he spends the next six hours trekking to his home, where he finds that there is…
Zombieland: Double Tap is a Robust Comedy with Solid Performances
Did Zombieland really need a sequel? Probably not. While it has acquired a small cult status since its release, the comedy was always more of a sleeper hit. The sequel brings back almost everyone from the original film, including writers…
Russian Doll Uses the Familiar Premise of Time Loops to Great Effect
Russian Doll is one of those delightful surprises that, once you have had some time to get used to, win you over in no time at all. Centering around a cynical New Yorker, Nadia, trying to get through a party…
Why Bojack Horseman is TV’s Funniest Show About Depression
Let’s talk about depression. Depression isn’t like the common cold. It’s not something that hits you, annoys you for a couple of days and then goes away. It’s more akin to a parasite: once it finds you, it tends to…