Broad Strokes: Fraternizing with an Anarchist
Dhaka in a Gotham setting with neon logos of Mimi, BTV, Sunlite, Keya, Nabisco staring back at you; a distant news bulletin rumbles about the possibility of a terrorist attack while you smoke away your woes in the darkness of…
Broad Strokes: A Conversation with Saima Khan
Saima Khan is one of those people who turn out to be good at whatever she tries her hand at. A final year student in a business school, she runs an art page called WanderArt, and also participates in various…
Broad Strokes: A Conversation with Armin Ahsan
Creators come from all walks of life. Armin Ahsan, who is currently studying in a business school, maintains a Facebook page for her art called Space Cade. Her young age belies her ability; Space Cade is filled with works that showcase…