Vivo Tells a Musical Story about a Kinkajou and a Rebellious Girl that Sometimes Goes Off-Key
Lin-Manuel Miranda has been making great strides in Hollywood, with the cinematic adaptation of In the Heights coming out earlier this year, and now with Vivo, an animated musical featuring himself as the main character as well as the main…
The Two Part Adaptation of Batman: the Long Halloween is One of the Best Comic Book Stories of the Last Five Years
There have been no shortage of animated adaptations of Batman’s seminal stories, from The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One and The Killing Joke to Batman: Under the Red Hood and Batman: Hush. While some of these adaptations have done…
Masters of the Universe: Revelation Makes a Bold Choice with its Storytelling that Divides its Audience
Masters of the Universe: Revelation suffers from the all too common disconnect between critical and fan reception that we see with lots of content these days. It takes the characters and status quo from the original 80s cartoon and flips…
Record of Ragnarok Opens Strong with a Flawed but Entertaining First Season
Record of Ragnarok is one of those absurd animes that leans into its premise and revels in its absurdity. It takes place entirely during a tournament- and it’s not just any tournament. Thirteen gods and humans go up against each…
Wish Dragon Breathes New Life into a Familiar Premise
Wish Dragon is about a poor boy who discovers a dragon in a teapot who will grant three wishes. Sounds familiar, right? Director Chris Appelhans is definitely aware of the similarities with Disney’s Aladdin. He focuses instead on the world…
Luca is a Breezy Tale of Light-hearted Summer Adventures
Enrico Casarosa's Luca isn't the ground-breaking, Oscar-worthy story people are prone to expect from Pixar. But for those willing to experience the studio's more laid-back and light-hearted works, Luca is a Pixar iteration of cinematic comfort food. From the stunning…
Broad Strokes: Fraternizing with an Anarchist
Dhaka in a Gotham setting with neon logos of Mimi, BTV, Sunlite, Keya, Nabisco staring back at you; a distant news bulletin rumbles about the possibility of a terrorist attack while you smoke away your woes in the darkness of…
Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots Volume 2: Half the Episodes, Half the Heart?
Netflix's 2019 anthology series Love, Death & Robots stands out with innovative visuals, artistry in every frame and its short story-esque narratives, some adapted from well-known science fiction literature. The show's first season made the audience laugh, cry, and think…
Castlevania Delivers a Series Finale that is Emotional and Uplifting, Despite a Slow Start
Castlevania is one of those rare triumphs of video game adaptations. Loosely adapted from the game series, it has weaved its own engaging tale, leveraging its characters and lore to build a fascinating, grim world. However, it did face a…
The Mitchells vs the Machines is Refreshingly Funny and Wholesome, Making Good Use of the Dysfunctional Family Trope
The Mitchells vs the Machines is, perhaps, the most feel-good family film in the last year or two. It’s full of heart and creativity, and it’s distinct, energetic visual design helps it stand out from the rest of the pack.…