Puja Sarkar
26 Articles0 Comments

An English lit student, Puja loves reading Neil Gaiman and graphics novels. She believes in feline and caffeine supremacy.

The Insidious Discrimination of Fast Fashion
This is the second article in a series about fast fashion. Please check out the first article here. The fashion industry is a prime example of a lucrative industry tainted by prejudice and intertwined with racism. In 2017, consumers spent…
Everyone Has Their Place: Examining Snowpiercer’s Ideology
Bong Joon-ho’s film Snowpiercer based on Jacques Lob’s post-apocalyptic French novel, Le Transperceneige follows Curtis Everett, a lower-class man or a “tailee” leading a revolution against an unyielding ideological regime. The year is 2031, 19 years after a man-made chemical…
Why Pronouns Matter
A couple of days back I was talking to a friend’s biological younger sister, who now identifies as my friend’s younger brother. When the topic of gender identity and pronouns came up, a lot of sensitive issues latched onto the…
The Adam Project is a Heartfelt Sci-fi Action Adventure about Time Travel and Family Bonds
Have you wanted to travel back in time and give your younger self some advice? Or maybe travel to the future and see how you turned out? The Adam Project brings that fantasy to the screen. Ryan Reynolds reunites with…
What is Fast Fashion? And is it Sustainable?
Fast fashion refers to clothing designs that travel fast from the runway to stores in order to capitalize on current trends. The clothing collections are frequently inspired by styles seen on the runways during Fashion Week or from outfits worn…
Unnatural Hair Colors: A Powerful Trend for Self-Expression or Simply a Generation Gone Wild?
Be it walking on the road, sitting for a job interview or attending family events, unnatural hair colors are bound to attract unwanted attention. “Too daring! It's out of control!” – comments quite familiar especially, to women with unnatural hair…