Sonali Bags Bangladesh Sonali Bags Bangladesh

Golden is the New Green: Saving Bangladesh with Sonali Bags

Credit: Saikat Bhadra

From the sachets of shampoos to take away packs, the dominance of plastic is everywhere. Although it is considered to be a miracle component in the field of science, it has a devastating impact on our environment and health.

A Bangladeshi scientist, Mubarak Ahmed Khan, recently came up with the idea of Sonali Bag, a biodegradable Jute polybag as an alternative to plastic bags. The bag although looks like poly bags but is made of Jute. The cost of making this product is more than the poly bags. Then why should we use it?

Bangladesh, the first South-Asian country to ban plastics, recently placed its position in the top 10 countries to mismanage plastic waste. Every year Bangladesh produces 87,000 tons of plastic waste. The reason behind this huge amount of plastic waste is the availability, affordability of plastic products.

The disposal system of Bangladesh is questionable. Our thrown-out plastic ends up in the open dumping zone with other debris which multiplies in size every day. Plastic, with other garbage, sits there, compressed. During rainfall, the water flows via the waste and soaks the highly toxic water-soluble component, and generates a hazardous stew which poses a threat to the ecosystem and the wildlife under the sea and rivers.

The Aftermath of Using Plastics

Plastic litter creates a blockage in the drainage systems which can result in a flood. Besides it generates the risk of vector-borne diseases. Besides, the increasing demand for plastic also increases the need for fossil fuels provided that they are made of fossil fuels. Therefore, the emission of greenhouse gas also increases which leads to climate change. A recent study shows an alarming rate of plastic in the stomach of fish.

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Why Sonali Bag?

It is important to note that phasing out every plastic component that is out there is not an easy task. So we have to reduce the use of plastic, recycle plastic products, use alternatives where we can and most importantly use biodegradable plastic like Sonali Bag.

Usually, the biodegradable plastic bags that are currently available are starch-based. But the Sonali Bag is the only cellulose-based biodegradable product. Scientist Mubarak Ahmed Khan extracted the cellulose from Jute and created a biodegradable poly bag from it.

Environmental Impact

The polypropylene based plastic is usually non-biodegradable and breaks down into smaller particles named micro plastics which causes various diseases, even death, in both human and aquatic animals alike. Sonali Bag is biodegradable so it would not produce toxic substances after breaking down. Neither will it cause loss in agricultural projects nor will it be harmful for us.

Besides the need to burn fossil fuels to make plastics would be less which would result in a major reduction in greenhouse gas emission.

Economic Impact

The closing of 25 state-owned Jute mills has resulted in the collapse of the local economy. And the farmers have faced a huge loss due to this decision of the government. If the Sonali bag is produced on a large scale, the Jute industry can be saved. The jute industry is a highly potential, eco-friendly industry that needs to be promoted more and more.

Although the cost is doubled than polythene it is nothing given the aforementioned side effects of plastic. Besides, a large production of this cellulose-based poly bag can weigh out the cost.

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What is Bangladesh Doing Regarding Climate Change?

It’s not like Bangladesh lacks a legal framework regarding this matter. Bangladesh has laws i.e. Environment Court Act 2010, Bangladesh Biodiversity Act 2017, The Wildlife Act 2012, and several others like these.

But all these acts have major flaws, loopholes, and most importantly lack of implementation. A vulnerable country like Bangladesh should pay attention to a pressing need like climate change. Sonali bag is not only a solution to the problem of climate change but it is also a savior of the Jute industry.

Bottom line:

During the lockdown, several photos of the earth’s breathing going viral on social media showed us how unjust we were to it.

The issue of plastic pandemic needs to be addressed and discussed. Besides, the consumers should keep in mind that the waste generated from us is after all our liability. The most efficient way to get rid of this problem is to take precautions from a personal level.

Because if not now, when? If not us, who?