Is the PS5 Pro Worth It for a Gamer in Bangladesh?

Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment

The PS5 Pro has finally been announced, and with it comes a slew of upgrades and improvements that should excite gamers. But, as always with these mid-generation console refreshes, the question looms large: is it really worth it? As a gamer in Bangladesh, where access to gaming hardware and software comes with its own set of challenges, this question is even more crucial. While the global gaming community is caught up in debates about graphical performance and ray tracing, for many of us here, it’s about practicality, affordability, and value for money.

The PlayStation 5, already a significant investment, was met with enthusiasm when it launched. It was a leap forward in terms of both performance and experience. Now, the PS5 Pro promises to build on that foundation, but at a steep price, which raises serious concerns about whether it’s the right choice for gamers in Bangladesh. Here’s what you need to consider before deciding if the upgrade is worth it.

Price Tag and Accessibility

First, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: the price. Globally, the PS5 Pro is expected to retail for around $699 USD, which translates to roughly 75,000-80,000 BDT before taxes and import duties. If you’re hoping to get a disc drive (since the PS5 Pro doesn’t come with one), you’re looking at an additional 8,000 BDT, pushing the total cost even higher.

For many gamers here, that’s a significant sum, and it doesn’t even account for additional accessories or games. To put it in perspective, for the same amount of money, you could buy a solid gaming laptop with an NVIDIA RTX 3060, a machine that would allow you to game, work, and even create content.

Laptops, especially in Bangladesh, offer the kind of flexibility that consoles simply don’t. The PS5 Pro, while powerful, is ultimately a machine dedicated to one purpose: gaming. In contrast, a gaming laptop can be a multitasking powerhouse, offering value beyond just entertainment.

Graphical Improvements: Marginal or Meaningful?

The PS5 Pro’s most significant selling point is its promise of improved graphics, faster ray tracing, and AI-assisted upscaling. On paper, these features sound incredible. But when we break it down, the improvements are incremental, not revolutionary. If you already own a PS5, the games you’re playing now look fantastic.

The graphical improvements offered by the PS5 Pro are unlikely to be night-and-day differences, especially on the kinds of TVs or monitors most gamers in Bangladesh are using.

Many of us aren’t sitting in front of ultra-high-end 4K HDR TVs with all the latest bells and whistles. We’re using mid-range displays, often without the advanced features that would allow us to fully appreciate the graphical prowess of the PS5 Pro. Yes, the games will look better—but will they look that much better? The difference between the PS4 and PS5 was clear and tangible. But when it comes to the PS5 and PS5 Pro, we’re approaching the much-discussed “visual ceiling.” The upgrades are there, but they’re not necessarily essential for enjoying the gaming experience.

Game Availability and Exclusives

One of the key selling points of any new console or upgrade is the availability of exclusive games. The PS5 Pro, however, doesn’t offer any. All the games announced for the system are playable on the base PS5. So, unless you’re obsessed with the idea of slightly better graphics and smoother frame rates, there’s no real incentive to upgrade.

For gamers in Bangladesh, where access to physical copies of games is limited and digital downloads are often subject to slow internet speeds, the difference in performance between the PS5 and PS5 Pro is negligible.

Whether you’re playing Spider-Man 2 or Final Fantasy XVI, you’ll be able to enjoy these games on the regular PS5 just as well as you would on the Pro.

This lack of exclusivity makes the PS5 Pro feel more like a luxury item than a necessity. Sure, you might get slightly faster load times and enhanced ray tracing, but these improvements aren’t enough to warrant the steep price tag—especially when you could be spending that money on games or even a better display to truly enjoy the PS5 you already own.

Long-Term Support and Sony’s Track Record

One of the biggest concerns with the PS5 Pro is whether Sony will fully support the system in the long run. Sony’s track record with mid-generation upgrades is spotty at best. The PS4 Pro, while an improvement over the base PS4, didn’t revolutionize the gaming experience in any meaningful way. It was supported for a time, but as the PS5’s launch approached, the Pro was quietly pushed to the side.

More recently, we’ve seen Sony struggle with peripheral support, most notably with the PlayStation VR2. Released with a hefty price tag and a limited library of games, the PS VR2 has struggled to gain traction. This raises concerns about whether the PS5 Pro will suffer the same fate.

If sales don’t meet expectations, will Sony continue to support the Pro, or will it be left to languish while the focus shifts to the next generation?

For gamers in Bangladesh, this uncertainty is particularly troubling. With the cost of gaming hardware already high, the last thing we want is to invest in a product that might not receive long-term support. If Sony decides to pivot to the PS6 sooner than expected, the PS5 Pro could become obsolete faster than anticipated, making it a risky investment.

The Broader Gaming Landscape

The reality is that the PS5 Pro isn’t launching in a vacuum. It’s competing against a number of other gaming options that might offer better value for gamers in Bangladesh. The Xbox Series S, for example, is a much more affordable next-gen console that delivers solid performance at a fraction of the cost. It doesn’t have the graphical power of the PS5 Pro, but it’s a fantastic option for budget-conscious gamers who want to experience next-gen gaming without breaking the bank.

Similarly, gaming PCs and laptops remain a popular choice in Bangladesh. Not only do they offer access to a wider variety of games, but they also provide versatility beyond gaming. A gaming laptop with an RTX 3060 or 4060 can easily outperform the PS5 Pro in many areas, all while serving as a multifunctional device for work, study, and content creation.

In a country where internet speeds can be slow and physical game copies are often hard to come by, the ability to access a broader range of digital storefronts, mods, and indie games on PC is a huge advantage. The PS5 Pro simply can’t compete with the flexibility that a PC setup provides.

Final Thoughts: Is the PS5 Pro Worth It?

So, is the PS5 Pro worth it for a gamer in Bangladesh? In short, probably not. While the console offers some impressive upgrades, they don’t justify the steep price tag, especially when compared to other gaming options available. The lack of exclusive games, combined with Sony’s shaky track record with mid-generation upgrades, makes the PS5 Pro feel more like a luxury than a necessity.

For most gamers here, the base PS5 offers more than enough power and performance to enjoy the latest games. The PS5 Pro’s marginal improvements in graphics and speed aren’t enough to make it a must-buy, especially when there are more versatile and affordable gaming options available.

If you’re already invested in the PlayStation ecosystem and have the disposable income to spare, the PS5 Pro might be a tempting upgrade. But for the majority of gamers in Bangladesh, the smart choice is to stick with the base PS5—or explore other options like a gaming laptop or the Xbox Series S.

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