Why JD Vance is a Bad Vice President Pick

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The selection of a vice-presidential candidate is a pivotal moment in any presidential campaign. It can either solidify the campaign’s message and appeal or become a significant liability. JD Vance, the author of “Hillbilly Elegy” and a U.S. Senator from Ohio, represents a controversial and potentially damaging choice for Vice President. Here’s an analysis of why JD Vance might be considered a poor pick for this role, based on recent controversies and his overall political stance.

JD Vance’s history of making incendiary remarks has already sparked significant controversy.

In a 2021 interview with Tucker Carlson, JD Vance made derogatory comments about Democrats, particularly targeting Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he described as “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.”

Rather than issuing a straightforward apology, JD Vance attempted to justify his comments, further inflaming the situation. This kind of rhetoric alienates not only Democrats but also moderate and independent voters who are crucial for a successful campaign.

One of the cardinal rules of politics is to manage controversies swiftly and decisively. However, JD Vance’s response to his past comments has been far from adequate. Instead of acknowledging his mistake, JD Vance doubled down, claiming his remarks were meant to be sarcastic and that he had nothing against cats. This response shows a lack of accountability and a failure to understand the broader implications of his words. Moreover, his implausible assertion that he was unaware of Harris’s family situation further undermines his credibility.

JD Vance’s comments not only insulted Harris but also took aim at a significant portion of the electorate. Modern America is characterized by diverse family structures, and many voters can relate to Harris’s blended family.

By disparaging childless women and those with non-traditional family arrangements, JD Vance risks alienating a wide demographic that includes childless voters, single parents, and stepfamilies. This is a risky move in an era where inclusivity and representation are paramount.

Beyond his controversial remarks, JD Vance has advocated for policies that are seen as extreme and unorthodox. For instance, in a 2021 speech, JD Vance proposed that parents should have more voting power by casting additional votes on behalf of their children. Although he later downplayed this as a “thought experiment,” it reveals a mindset that values certain voters over others based on personal circumstances. This stance is likely to alienate voters who believe in the principle of one person, one vote.

JD Vance’s inexperience on the national political stage is another significant drawback. His rapid transition from author to politician has left little time for him to develop a nuanced understanding of national and international issues. Moreover, JD Vance’s polarizing nature makes him a divisive figure within his own party. Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro speculated that Trump might have chosen someone like Glenn Youngkin, a figure known for his broader appeal, over JD Vance if given a second chance.

JD Vance’s selection amplifies some of Trump’s biggest political vulnerabilities, particularly regarding radicalism and extremism. JD Vance’s hardline stance on abortion, including advocating for a national ban and comparing the procedure to slavery, aligns him with the most extreme elements of the Republican base but alienates moderate and independent voters.

His defense of bans even in cases of rape or incest and his recent vote for a bill that would have banned in vitro fertilization further highlight his extreme positions.

JD Vance’s initial foray into the vice-presidential campaign has been nothing short of disastrous. Shortly after his nomination, JD Vance became the target of fierce criticism from Democratic vice-presidential hopeful Andy Beshear, who labeled him a “phony.” JD Vance’s awkward and low-energy speeches, coupled with strange gaffes, have made him a subject of ridicule. His approval ratings have plummeted, with polls showing him at a dismal minus six, the lowest ever recorded for a vice-presidential candidate since 2000.

JD Vance’s selection has also caused significant unrest within the Republican Party. Reports indicate that many Republican lawmakers are experiencing severe buyer’s remorse about JD Vance’s nomination. Some have voiced concerns that if Trump loses, it will be due to JD Vance’s selection. This internal dissent is a clear indication that JD Vance’s presence on the ticket is not unifying the party but rather causing division.

A significant portion of the American electorate is unfamiliar with JD Vance. According to an AP-NORC poll  conducted shortly before his selection, 60% of Americans did not know enough about JD Vance to have an opinion. This unfamiliarity makes him an easy target for political opponents to define negatively. Baseless rumors, such as the one about JD Vance allegedly having sex with a couch, can gain traction and damage his reputation because voters lack a solid foundation of knowledge about him.

JD Vance’s trajectory bears similarities to that of Blake Masters, a former U.S. Senate candidate who is ideologically aligned with JD Vance. Masters’ campaign in Arizona was marked by alienating rhetoric that turned off many voters. JD Vance’s comments about childless people and his extreme views are likely to have a similar effect, further alienating voters and damaging the campaign.

The controversies surrounding JD Vance distract from the core message of the campaign. Instead of focusing on policy issues and the candidate’s vision for the future, the campaign is constantly in damage control mode, addressing JD Vance’s latest gaffe. This constant state of turmoil can be exhausting for campaign staff and demoralizing for supporters.

The divisions within the Republican Party and the significant drop in JD Vance’s approval ratings emphasize the problematic nature of his selection.

As a candidate who does not represent a swing state, does not diversify the ticket, and does not appeal to Trump-skeptic voters, JD Vance adds little strategic value. Instead, his presence on the ticket seems to cater solely to the MAGA base, ignoring the broader electorate that is essential for a general election victory.

As the vice-presidential campaign progresses, it is likely that JD Vance’s controversial history and extreme views will continue to dominate the narrative. This focus on his negatives detracts from the overall campaign strategy and makes it difficult for the ticket to present a united and compelling vision to voters. The Republican Party’s frustration with JD Vance’s selection reflects a broader concern about the direction and strategy of the campaign.

JD Vance’s selection as a vice-presidential candidate is fraught with challenges. His history of controversial remarks, lack of accountability, and extreme policy positions make him a divisive figure who alienates key voter demographics. His inexperience and polarizing nature further complicate his role as a supportive and enhancing presence on the ticket. The internal dissent within the Republican Party and JD Vance’s rapidly declining approval ratings highlight the risks of his selection. Ultimately, JD Vance’s presence on the ticket serves as a distraction and a liability, undermining the campaign’s broader goals and appeal.

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