Protests in Portland Shift from a Struggle for Justice to One Against Federal Agents

Credit: Nathan Howard

Since the death of George Floyd in May, protests around the world erupted calling for justice and an end to systemic racism. People advocate for the police and government to be held accountable for their treatment and murdering of people of color. Though it may appear these protests and the Black Lives Matter movement have simmered down, they have not.

A prime example of this is Portland, Oregon. For the past 65 days, protestors have gathered in the streets with signs and battling against officers that try to stop them. As police officers hurl pepper spray and use brute force, protestors set fires and launch fireworks.

In fact, the protests are so violent, President Trump sent in militarized federal agents to quell the protests. These agents have used questionable and aggressive tactics. Videos have emerged in which protestors and even regular civilians are suddenly taken off the street and thrown into unmarked vans. No reason is given for the arrest, which also violates habeas corpus.

In response to this, thousands of protestors swarmed a federal building in Portland in which federal agents were stationed. They brought rocks, debris, even hockey sticks, and attacked the fence surrounding the building, as well as tried to break down the building itself. This protest was so massive and violent, that it was declared a riot. The crowd was told to disperse or else face arrest or brute force from officers.

In the midst of all this chaos, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has sided with the protestors, and even became one himself.  In fact, while speaking out against the federal agents, he was tear gassed. Repeatedly, he has denounced “”unconstitutional occupation” and derided federal officer tactics as “abhorrent.” “They’re not appropriately trained, and we’re demanding that they leave,” he told CNN.  The American Civil Liberties Union and Oregon’s Attorney General have filed a lawsuit against the federal agents, insisting that they broke the law by kidnapping protestors.

The fact of the matter is, under the First Amendment, the public has the right to assembly. They have the right to protest. These agents prevent Portland from being able to speak out against racial injustice. It is notable that Portland itself is racist at its roots. For example, the original state constitution of Oregon included black exclusion laws such as: “It shall not be lawful for any negro or mulatto to enter into, or reside” in Oregon, with exceptions made for those who were already in the territory.” Though these laws were repealed, they were effective in keeping Black settlers from coming to Oregon.

Today, about 80% of Portland is white. As a result, it attracts those who see it as a breeding ground for anti-people of color rhetoric and beliefs. “We have communists and anarchists and we also have neo-Nazis and fascists,” said Randy Blazak, a former professor at Portland State University. In fact, under President Trump, these groups have only been further impassioned in their beliefs. A group of young men called The Proud Boys currently fight against protestors, believing they are fighting the radical left and Antifa.

At the same time, there are also anti-government groups. Clearly, these are the protestors who believe that George Floyd’s death is a microcosm of the larger racial problem plaguing the United States. One of these groups that went viral on social media is called the Wall of Moms. Their goal is best summarized by member Anne Sherwood: “There’s more to it now. They’re trampling on our First Amendment right. Our ability to have the freedom to assemble and to speak, it’s important that we stand up and defend it. We’re defending it for our children- we all have children, teenagers who go to school in this city and we’re here because they have a future in this country, a future in a free country. We’re here to defend that for them if I have to take a little bit of tear gas for that, I’m willing to do that.”

Though Portland presents itself as a blue state, there is clearly a division in beliefs, which has led to the hotbed of protesting and chaos.

Looking at this situation from the viewpoint of a democracy, the treatment of Portland protesters by the government is excessive and uncalled for.

Firstly, the federal agents repeatedly went outside of their allotted territory. They are not supposed to enter the streets wielding batons and kidnapping people.

Secondly, the right to protest and free speech exist so as to correct problems in society. Instead of admitting fault and revamping the government system in Portland, the government is trying to silence protestors.

Lastly, Portland is essentially a guinea pig. If the harsh government treatment there works and the protests stop, then federal troops are bound to be sent to other states. Protests still continue in New York City, Austin, Detroit, and other cities. If it is found that the protests can be stopped without having to redesign the atomic makeup of the United States and correcting its flaws, then the alternative path will be taken.

In a democracy, the will of the people is meant to be top priority. Instead, now, people are literally being silenced and some are disappearing, and the government is the cause. As Trump announces more federal agents should be sent to Portland, the dystopian reality is not reflective of a true democracy.

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