How to Cope in the Midst of a Pandemic

With most of the world under quarantine during this pandemic, people have had to completely shift their lives in order to adjust. Parents are forced to homeschool their kids. Older students still have to attend classes through video chatting and do assignments. For those forced to be let go from jobs like in the United States due to the economic shut down, it is hard to not get cabin fever. Still, people have found some ways to cope in these confusing and fearful times.

Across social media, videos have surfaced showing Italians are dealing, and it’s not with chaos. In fact, while unable to leave their homes, communities have gathered onto their balconies and started singing songs together. As they belt out their songs, their worries melt away into smiles. In fact, this singing has inspired other areas in the world struck with fear and a sense of hopelessness. In Germany and Texas, citizens have come together in a similar fashion. In Texas, a Dallas community bonded over a rendition of “Lean on Me.”

Celebrities have also been using their musical prowess to help with the crisis. No, I am not referring to the plethora of celebrities that sang John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Though that did have mixed reactions and most don’t know what the real point of that whole compilation was. Artists have been hosting free concerts on Instagram in order to provide people at home with entertainment as well as raise money. For instance, One Republic hosts nightly live performances of their hits like “Apologize” and “Good Life”. During this quarantine, they also wrote and performed a new song, “Better Days”, which captures how people are feeling about the pandemic and long for the good days that will come after the pandemic comes to an end. Their t-shirts available for preorder say “The Social-Distancing Tour”, and the proceeds from these sales will go towards coronavirus relief.  Even with concerts and music festivals cancelled, people still find a way to be united through it.

Additionally, over the past months, sporting events have been cancelled or played in empty stadiums. The 2020 Olympics have even been pushed back one year. Some TV sports fans are content with simply watching reruns, while others need new content. As a result, these sports fans have had to find another medium to fill their time: video games.  According to Forbes, “Steam, the most popular digital PC gaming marketplace, reached new heights Sunday, drawing a record 20,313,451 concurrent users to the 16-year-old service, according to third-party database SteamDB.” This surge of players is especially true in the United States, Italy, and China, the three countries with the most cases. One of the most popular games during the coronavirus outbreak is Animal Crossing, a game where players are able to interact with others and create their own islands. It features genderless characters and is made to be as simple or imaginative as a player wants. This game allows friends and family to interact and spend time together during the quarantine, but one couple took it to another level, according to Time Magazine.

“My fiance and I had to cancel our upcoming wedding due to Covid-19, so our best friends gave us a surprise animal crossing wedding instead,” a user named Ashmush shared in a post on Reddit. The couple, identified as Sharmin Asha and Nazmul Ahmed by Business Insider, were set to marry next month, but due to the ongoing pandemic they were forced to cancel it, undoubtedly a difficult move for any couple.”

Lastly, the direness of the current global state is instilling anxiety in some and exacerbating it in others. Being indoors and forced to watch constant media coverage or read about it online only furthers this anxiety. Hence, experts recommend taking a break and taking time to do mindful tasks like exercising or reading a book. If you simply can’t stay off your phone, try downloading apps like Calm which help release stress and tension. Also, try to be mindful of those around you. If an elderly neighbor is uncomfortable with buying groceries, pick it up for them. Not only will you get a quick breath of fresh air, but you will also be helping in keeping someone safe.

Overall, in these difficult times, it will be a struggle to continue to stay indoors. This is especially true for families with young kids, elderly members that are living alone, or people who have lost their jobs and are worry about bills. With no end date in sight, people should try not to be discouraged. Remember that if having hygienic practices and limiting outside contact means that the spread of the virus could be slowed and eventually halted, then we can strive to endure cabin fever.

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