Dear Love… (A Quest for True Romance)

The author explores the attractions felt towards people at different stages, every emotion that has evoked something deeper, stayed, or vanished, accordingly. This is a piece of fiction aimed at the hopeless romantics at heart, in a low-key quest for true love. Romance isn’t lost and neither are you.

Empty Spaces

Dear delusion dressed as love,

I still haven’t figured out how you came into the picture or coincided my pre-pubescent desires of seeing the world through colored lenses. Your large spectacles kept you blind forever to my attempts at friendship, and in turn blurred my visions from your attempt at collateral damage.

I can’t figure out why, after 400-something diary pages of mine were filled with vents over how you betrayed my trust at every event of my life I have been close to you, I could still wind myself up in your pristine vocabulary of abuses shot at me every day. I never understood why I blushed red at your toxic behavior instead of flushing in disdainful anger; I never understood why I made you a figment of my daydreams whereas you were a living, breathing demon from my nightmares. Those goosebumps and chills came in the form of butterflies, and I became a phobiac to your presence.

I never meant to hold on to you, but the emotion that I had been taught was “love”, which remained empty long after. You weren’t love; you were anything but.

Oh Time Traveler 

Dear rust on my old watch,

Was I so easy to infest and damage and deplore? How I could have gone wrong in this dimension is a mystery unresolved, that will probably last forever, unlike your pretense. You came to me dressed as friendship in want of warmth.

Once you were under my wing, you wanted wings of your own and I cut mine to fulfill that wish. As you grew, I grew smaller. I kept getting smaller till I disappeared like the tiny speck of dust, but you swept it all up. Left me with things that were never to be mine, and took things you didn’t mean to have.

You weren’t the star-crossed unicorn on my rainbow, I was the slide down to that pot of gold you dreamed of. I wish I hadn’t held this rose upside down.

You’re a Sunflower

Dear love, love, love…

Molded in your graces, I have found a sanctuary that is irreplaceable. You are the kind that makes me want to become a poet every day, every hour, and capture you in the sweetest words. You are the respite at the end of a storm, and the cushion at every fall.

You gave me four seasons in one, filled my heart with every trinket it ever desired and painted my world vermilion. You chased me into falling in, and made me chase you back into it. You enchanted a person to look like home and you made me a wholesome abode. You were the one I was promised in every love song, the one that made me fall to my knees and curtsy. I were a sunflower facing the sun.

But alas, beautiful things are meant to last less, give more and take a lot more. Thunders weakened and scared you away, my little cherub. But you know you are here as much as I am, don’t you? I just wish you would stay, for now, eternally.

