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Why Self-Quarantine is the Best Bet During Coronavirus Lockdown

The entire globe has been worried about COVID-19 for quite some time now. 9,455 cases have been confirmed in Bangladesh till now, of which 665 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours. There are disputes about the official number because according to statistics, it is impossible that the number is so low.


Self-quarantine means isolating yourself from the rest of society. You lock yourself up in a room and only make contact if absolutely necessary.

You either exhibit symptoms of coronavirus or you don’t. If you do exhibit symptoms, then you should immediately contact IEDCR. If you don’t however, you either are carrying the virus in your system, or you are not. The problem here is that, unless you get tested, there is no way for you to know whether or not you are carrying the virus. And testing everyone is impossible for a country so poor in resources.

If you are carrying the virus, every person that you come in contact with is endangered, since this virus travels through air. Since it is difficult for you to know for certain, it is time you isolated yourself from the society, because you very well could be the cause of the virus spreading out among your closest people.

Let us assume that you do not have the virus. There is absolutely no way for you to know that you do not. There is absolutely no way for you to know that the person whom you are communicating with does not have the virus either. This means that even if you yourself do not have the virus; you are endangering yourself and thus everyone around you, if you have not isolated yourself already. Getting sick is in no way an equal trade-off for meeting and chilling with your bros.

If knowing all such repercussions, you still come out of isolation, for whatever the reason, this paints you as selfish. This is because under the above logic, just by coming out of isolation, you have endangered everyone around you, regardless of you having the virus. If you are a carrier, you endanger everyone; if you are not, you yourself are endangered, and everyone else can contract the virus from you if you contract it now. At this moment, self-quarantine has become your moral obligation.

Quarantine is lonely, and loneliness can lead to depression. The writer himself has been looking for the cure to depression for quite some time now but to no avail. This quarantine would lead you into worklessness and purposelessness. It could get you a little more solitude than you needed. However, this is still a small price to pay. When the entire world is in chaos, you having to pay little to nothing and only being urged to stay indoors is sad, yet necessary. If not for yourself, you need to do this for the people that you love. At moments of crisis, it is extremely difficult to take feelings into account, because everyone cannot be pleased. The bigger priority here is that everyone stays safe.

The author confirms that if he gets sufficient response, then he would write an article on how to keep oneself busy during quarantine.

To sum up

Resonating much to the author’s frequency, Malay Kanti Mridha, respected researcher at BRAC University’s James P. Grant School of Public Health modeled a forecast along with respected faculty members and academicians; and predicted that by the end of May, some 8.9 million Bangladeshis could get symptomatic infections of whom 507,442 could die. This important research has been declared void by the James P. Grant School of Public Health because as BRAC University claims, the research was never authorized.

Is there reason for fear? The author leaves that conclusion up to the reader. He further encourages the reader to do a little research on their own to truly understand what he is talking about. The author has already isolated himself at will and is now being addressed as a synonym for a tiny cat. (Update: This line was written about a month ago. Who’s a tiny cat now, hah!)

Coronavirus spreads rapidly through air, and we do not know enough about the virus to say anything. However, one thing is for sure that the number of deaths is significantly low compared to the number of infections. However, that is not reason for relief. We still need to protect ourselves and the people we care about.

According to “BBC”, we are still at least a year away from developing and mass producing a cure, and that too, if the cure processed by Japan and China actually work out. They further state that, development of natural immunity will take at least two more years.

The author suggests everyone to isolate themselves and wishes everyone to stay safe.

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