Why White Supremacist Violence is a Growing Threat in the US (and Worldwide)
White supremacist attacks do not happen in a vacuum. According to the New York Times, at least a third of white extremist attacker’s since 2011 were inspired by other white supremacist killers, often expressing admiration for them and their tactics.…
Why We Need More Leaders Like Jacinda Ardern
There are things that I learned and absorbed early on in life. If I was asked to elaborate who taught me these things, and how, perhaps all I can give you is a blank stare, but these are lessons that…
Why Christchurch is a Water Shed Moment for Both Ends of the Political Spectrum
Growing up, I have always felt that I was desensitized to violence. This was, in some ways, related to my gaming habits, which bordered on the horizon of six to eight hours of play per day. I know that it’s…